541. A survey of Islamic history -- Why an introduction to Islam specifically for Jews? -- Arabs and Israelites -- Pre-Islamic origins -- The emergence of Islam -- Muhammad and the Jews of Medina -- The death of the prophet and the expansion of the community -- The conquests -- The caliphal dynasties -- The decline of the Muslim world -- God, the Qur'an, and Islamic law -- God -- The five doctrines or "pillars of faith" -- The evolution of a formal theology -- The Qur'an -- The interpretive tradition -- The prophetic record -- Islamic law -- The workings of shari'a -- The umma: Islam in practice -- The umma and the caliphate -- The five pillars of Islam -- A sixth pillar? Jihad -- The range of practice among Muslims -- Sufism -- The shi'a -- Mosque and clergy -- The calendar -- The Muslim life-cycle -- Personal observance. 0
Author: Reuven Firestone.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

542. A theological examination of the religious teaching on 'usury' within the three monotheistic traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and its relevance for the world today
Author: Buckley, Susan L.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Philosophy

543. A theological examination of the religious teaching on 'usury' within the three monotheistic traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and its relevance for the world today
Author: Buckley, Susan L.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Philosophy

544. A theology of love /
Author: Werner G. Jeanrond.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Love-- Religious aspects-- Christianity.,Liebe,Liebe.,Love-- Religious aspects-- Christianity.,RELIGION-- Christian Life-- General.,Theologie,Theologie.
Classification :

545. A twentieth-century collision :
Author: Peter M. Collins.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Catholic learning and scholarship.,Catholic universities and colleges-- United States.,Education, Higher-- Aims and objectives.,Intellectual life-- History-- 20th century.,Philosophy-- Study and teaching.,Catholic learning and scholarship.,Catholic universities and colleges.,Education, Higher-- Aims and objectives.,Intellectual life.,Philosophy-- Study and teaching.,RELIGION-- Christianity-- Catholic.,United States., 7
Classification :

546. About Europe :
Author: Denis Guénoun ; translated by Christine Irizarry.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Europe, History, Philosophy., 0
Classification :

547. Abraham as Existential Archetype in Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling
Author: Kettering, Christian T.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Biblical studies,Philosophy

548. Abraham as Existential Archetype in Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling
Author: Kettering, Christian T.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Biblical studies,Philosophy

549. Acknowledgements. Introduction -- Part 1. Bringing the female subject into view -- 1. The trouble with patriarchy / Sheila Rowbotham, Sally Alexander and Barbara Taylor -- 2. Feminism and history / Judith M. Bennett -- 3. Golden age to separate spheres? a review of the categories and chronology of English womens' history / Amanda Vickery -- 4. Politics and culture in womens' history : a symposium / Ellen Dubois, Mari Jo Buhle, Temma Kaplan, Gerda Lerner, and Carroll Smith-Rosenberg -- 5. Womens' history and gender history : aspects of an international debate / Gisela Bock -- 6. History and the challenge of gender history / Penelope J. Corfield, June Purvis, and Amanda Weatherill -- Part 2. Deconstructing the female subject : feminist history and the linguistic turn.-- 7. Gender: a useful category of historical analysis / Joan W. Scott -- 8. Does sex have a history? / Denise Riley -- 9. Gender history/womens history : is feminist scholarship losing its critical edge? / Sonya Rose, Kathleen Canning, Anna Clark and Mariana Valverde -- 10. Gender as a postmodern category of paralysis / Joan Hoff, Susan Kingsley Kent and Caroline Ramazanoglu -- 11. Postmodern blackness bell hooks -- 12. Contingent foundations: feminism and the question of "postmodernism" / Judith Butler -- Part three.-- Searching for the subject : lesbian history -- 13. Who hid lesbian history? / Lillian Faderman -- 14. Does it matter if they did it? / Shei
پدیدآورنده : Sue Morgan [editor].
موضوع :
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۱ کتابخانه موجود است.
550. Activist business ethics
Author: by Jacques Cory.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Business ethics.

551. Acute melancholia and other essays :
Author: Amy Hollywood.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Christianity-- Philosophy.,Experience (Religion),Mysticism.,Religion-- Philosophy.,Christianity-- Philosophy.,Experience (Religion),Mysticism.,RELIGION-- Christian Church-- History.,RELIGION-- Christianity-- History.,Religion-- Philosophy.
Classification :

552. Acute melancholia and other essays : mysticism, history, and the study of religion
Author: Amy M Hollywood
Library: (Library of Islamic Studies For Women and Family (Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Religion > Philosophy ***** Christianity > Philosophy ***** Experience (Religion)Mysticism *****

553. Adventures in media and cultural studies: introducing the keyworks / Douglas M. Kellner and Meenakshi Gigi Durham -- PT. 1. CULTURE, IDEOLOGY, AND HEGEMONY. The ruling class and the ruling ideas / Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels -- (i) History of the subaltern classes; (ii) The concept of "ideology"; (iii) Cultural themes: ideological material / Antonio Gramsci -- The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction / Walter Benjamin -- The cultural industry: enlightenment as mass deception / Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno -- The public sphere: an encyclopedia article / Jürgen Habermas -- Ideology and ideological state apparatuses (Notes towards an investigation) / Louis Althusser -- PT. 2. SOCIAL LIFE AND CULTURAL STUDIES. (i) Operation margarine; (ii) Myth today / Roland Barthes -- The medium is the message / Marshall McLuhan -- The commodity as spectacle / Guy Debord -- Introduction: instructions on how to become a general in the Disneyland Club / Ariel Dorfman and Armand Mattelart -- Base and superstructures in Marxist cultural theory / Raymond Williams -- (i) From culture to hegemony; (ii) Subculture: the unnatural break / Dick Hebdige -- Encoding/Decoding / Stuart Hall -- On the politics of empirical audience research / Ien Ang -- PT. 3. POLITICAL ECONOMY. Contributions to a political economy of mass-communication / Nicholas Garnham -- On the audience commodity and its work / Dallas W. Smythe -- A propaganda model / Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky -- Not yet the post-imperialist era / Herbert I. Schiller -- Gendering the commodity audience: critical media research, feminism, and political economy / Eileen R. Meehan -- (i) Introduction; (ii) The aristocracy of culture / Pierre Bourdieu -- On television / Pierre Bourdieu -- PT. 4. THE POLITICS OF REPRESENTATION. Visual pleasure and narrative cinema / Laura Mulvey -- Stereotyping / Richard Dyer -- Eating the other: desire and resistance / bell hooks -- British cultural studies and the pitfalls of identity / Paul Gilroy -- Under western eyes: feminist scholarship and colonial discourses / Chandra Talpade Mohanty -- Hybrid cultures, oblique powers / Néstor García Canclini -- PT. 5. THE POSTMODERN TURN AND NEW MEDIA. The precession of simulacra / Jean Baudrillard -- Postmodernism, or the cultural logic of late capitalism / Fredric Jameson -- Feminism, postmodernism and the "real me" / Angela McRobbie -- Postmodern virtualities / Mark Poster -- Quentin Tarantino's Star Wars?: digital cinema, media convergence , and participatory culture / Henry Jenkins -- PT. 6. GLOBALIZATION AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS. Disjuncture and difference in the global cultural economy / Arjun Appadurai -- The global and the local in international communications / Annabelle Srebe
Author: edited by Meenakshi Gigi Durham and Douglas M. Kellner.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

554. Afsluttende uvidenskabelig efterskrift. English,Concluding unscientific postscript to the Philosophical crumbs
Author: Kierkegaard, Sوren, 1813 - 1855
Library: Library of Farabi Campus of Tehran University (Qom)
Classification :

555. After Go
Author: / edited by John Panteleimon Manoussakis
Library: Central Library and Document Center of Shahid Chamran University (Khuzestan)
Subject: Kearney, Richard.,Kearney, Richard.--God who may be,Kearney, Richard.--Strangers, gods, and monsters,God (Christianity),Philosophical theology.,Continental philosophy.
Classification :

556. After God
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Mazandaran University (Mazandaran)
Subject: Kearney, Richard. ; Kearney, Richard. ; God who may be. ; Kearney, Richard. ; Strangers, gods, and monsters. ; God (Christianity) ; Philosophical theology. ; Continental philosophy. ;

557. After God :Richard Kearney and the religious turn in continental philosophy
Author: edited by John Panteleimon Manoussakis
Library: Library of Mofid University (Qom)
Subject: ، Kearney, Richard,، Kearney, Richard.God who may be,، Kearney, Richard.Strangers, gods, and monsters,، God )Christianity(,، Philosophical theology,، Continental philosophy
Classification :

558. After we die :
Author: Stephen T. Davis.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Future life-- Christianity.,Future life-- Christianity.,RELIGION-- Christian Theology-- Eschatology.
Classification :

559. After writing: On the liturgical consummation of philosophy
Author: Pickstock, Catherine.
Library: Latin Specialized Library of Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy (Qom)
Subject: ، Plato. Phaedrus,، Derrida, Jacques, 0391 -,Religious aspects Christianity ، Language and languages,، Writing,، Mass,، Lord's Supper )Liturgy(,، Transubstantiation,Religious aspects Christianity ، Postmodernism
Classification :

560. After writing: on the liturgical consummation of philosophy
Author: Pickstock, Catherine
Library: Special Library of University of Religions (Qom)
Subject: ، Plato.Phaedrus,، Derrida, Jacques,Religious aspects Christianity ، Language and languages,، Writing,، Mass,، Lord's Supper )Liturgy(,، Transubstantiation,Religious aspects Christianity ، Postmodernism
Classification :